CBT and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that focuses on the connections between our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It has a very strong evidence-base and is recommended as a first-line treatment for a wide range of difficulties.
In your therapy sessions, we'll work as a team to cultivate new insights, highlighting opportunities to experiment with new ways of responding to your difficult thoughts and feelings, allowing you to move forward with greater awareness, flexibility, and confidence.
CBT is a structured approach with an emphasis on experiential learning and tasks between sessions, as opposed to just talking. This may include written exercises, or experiments to test new ways of responding to difficult situations.
Alongside CBT, I offer Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). CFT is an integrative approach, which emphasises the role of self awareness and compassion in navigating life's challenges. This includes cultivating greater awareness of our minds and bodies, learning how to approach our difficulties with courage, wisdom and compassion.
I also draw on the principles and techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and other mindfulness-based approaches. Working integratively (using a range of evidence-based approaches) means that I can respond more flexibility to your individual needs.
"I was really nervous about accessing therapy but it didn't take long to feel comfortable. I appreciated the fact that I could share my feelings and say whatever I needed to say. It felt like the support was tailored to me"
Anon, 21 (Social Anxiety)
Common Difficulties I Can Help You With
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Intrusive thoughts
Low self-esteem
Shame and self-criticism
Compulsive hair plucking / skin picking
Trauma and PTSD
Anxiety / Generalised Anxiety
Depression / low mood
Panic attacks / Agoraphobia
Social Anxiety
Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondria)
Body Dysmorphia (BDD)
Specific Phobias (e.g. needles, dogs)
Emetophobia (vomit phobia)
Paruresis (shy bladder)

You don't need a diagnosis to benefit from therapy.
If you're unsure what you're experiencing, or finding it hard to describe what you're going through, contact me to book a free, confidential 20-minute consultation.
You may also want to arrange an assessment session, where we can explore what you're experiencing in more depth and think about next steps.
"It's the first time I've been able to see what's going on. It has taught me to feel more compassionate towards myself"
Anon, 23 (OCD)
Online (video) Therapy
Online therapy allows you to access face-to-face CBT from the comfort of your own home or workplace. This makes it a convenient, accessible and cost effective solution for many adults and young people. Research has demonstrated that CBT via video conferencing can be a highly effective alternative to traditional in-person therapy.
Whether video therapy is a good option for you will depend on your personal preference, as well as the content of your sessions. There are some scenarios where being in the same physical space may be essential to effective treatment. However, in most cases, online CBT is an easy and effective alternative to in-person treatment.